Dr Vladica Simić prepared concept designe for MonteAqua – Boka Aquarium

Boka Aquarium concept designe will be based on the document: “Boka Aquarium concept” prepared by Dr. Vladica Simić. Aquarium will have three main sections


Igor Mirović, Director of Reefroom Serbia , hosted Dr. Vladica Simić and Monteaqua team.

Discussion was about concept design of Aquarium Boka prepared by Dr. Vladica Simić. Aquarium will have three main sections entrance section and the World sea, main section – Adriatic Sea and special section – Boka Kotorska Bay. Following discussion and exchange of information, it was greed that concept design will be developed by authors team Dr. Vladica Simić, team leader, Igor Mirović, memeber and Dr. Radoje Laušević, member.



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